Monday, December 01, 2008

USA CTO: It’s about time

America is going to have a Chief Technology Officer. It’s all part of the soon to be Obama Administration.

Will it be a cabinet level position? Hard to say, but it deserves to be. It could also be an executive level appointee, akin to being the National Security Advisor.

A lot of names have been speculated for the job, I won’t do that here. There are plenty of good choices and it’s my hope whoever gets the job has real world technology and entrepreneurial experience.

This will be the first Presidential administration that truly acknowledges technology. It’s not surprising as the Obama campaign harnessed it very effectively, while Senator McCain admitted to being decidedly non-tech. It cost him dearly among a generation of voters who grew up with technology being part of their lives.

I’ve posted here before that the progress in computing technology the 21 years Video Professor has been in business never ceases to amaze me. We have computers on our desks, on our belts, in our pockets and purses and certainly at home. We shop, we bank, we invest, we do business, and we research and just have plain fun with computers.

We’ve taught over 10 million people to do all of the above.

The creation of a Chief Technology Officer is good news for consumers. It means Washington finally gets it. We hope this means that innovation and entrepreneurship will be encouraged, that regulatory roadblocks will be at least reduced, and that the way we use technology will empower us more than ever before.

Whatever comes along, we’ll do our best to help you master it.


John W. Scherer

John is CEO and founder of Video Professor, Inc.

You can reach him at